Friday, May 15, 2020

Text For Thought Communication Handbook - 1988 Words

1 Text for Thought Communication Handbook How to Determine Your Audience Get to know your audience by learning about their attributes. Of course, there are several attributes for any given person, so which ones do you focus on? A good way of thi nking about attributes is to thi nk about the Navy. In order to have a balanced force, there are surface as well as subsurface assets; surface vessels like ships and subsurface vessels like submarines comprise a fleet . Whenever a fleet ge ts underway, there are always surface and subsurface assets, even though you cannot see the submarines, they are always an indispensable part of the fleet. Thus, any analysis of a naval fleet is incomplete without an understanding of surface and subsurfac e elements. The same can be said about audiences, there are always surface and subsurface elements that must be accounted for in order to understand your audience. For our purposes, we will discuss three categories of attributes: 1. Demographic attributes – Surface 2. Organizational attributes – Surface 3. Intellectual/experiential attributes – Subsurface Demographics are individual differences. People vary by race, ethnicity, culture, gender, sexual orien tation, education, socioeconomic status, and religion, among othe r factors. Knowing about these surface differences can yield insight in crafting and delivering effective messages. For instance, in delivering a message to an all - male group, you would not want to use examples that includedShow MoreRelatedText For Thought : Employee Communications1701 Words   |  7 PagesTEXT for THOUGHT EMPLOYEE COMMUNICATIONS HANDBOOK TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 1 – INTRODUCTION †¢ Changes in Communication Policy SECTION 2 – HOW TO DETERMINE YOUR AUDIENCE †¢ How to Assess an Audience SECTION 3 - FORMAL INFORMAL COMMUNICATION †¢ Basic Guidelines SECTION 4 – WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS (Internal External) †¢ Email Guidelines SECTION 5 – TIPS FOR EFFECTIVE LISTENING AND FEEDBACK †¢ Explanation of listening and feedback process SECTION 6 – INTERPRETINGRead MoreDetermine Your Audience Essay1022 Words   |  5 Pagesfor buried treasure without a map. You’re putting yourself out there, and you’re taking action, but you lack a particular goal. The audience, is one of the most critical components in organizational communication, both internally and externally. 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